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BCTV Cable Channel 2
Belfast -- Searsport

Belfast Community TV’s mission is to reflect and strengthen the unique spirit and character of Belfast, Maine in order to enrich the lives of residents and visitors in the Midcoast region by fostering communication, free speech, artistic expression as well as creating opportunities through television and other electronic media.

High School Sports on BCTV
Once again Insight Productions is producing a series of Belfast High School games for BCTV. Eight regular  season and two playoff games including football, field hockey and soccer will be televised this season. A change from previous years is that more "away" games will be covered. With the high cost of gasoline, local folks may find watching games on TV an alternative to driving. Games are taped and reshown the following days at various times. Mike Estrada and Tim Downer will once again be the primary announce team, but other folks with particular knowledge of local teams will step in as "color" announcers. So far, 3 games have been shown and upcoming game schedules can be found by clicking on the schedule section of our blog.