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BCTV Cable Channel 2
Belfast -- Searsport

Belfast Community TV’s mission is to reflect and strengthen the unique spirit and character of Belfast, Maine in order to enrich the lives of residents and visitors in the Midcoast region by fostering communication, free speech, artistic expression as well as creating opportunities through television and other electronic media.

City Funds BCTV
This posting may seem a little late, but when city council was going through its budget and voted to fund BCTV to the tune of $10,000 for the year, we were not sure it was really going to happen, but apparently it has. Yippeee!
The city receives about $55,000 a year in franchise fees, and those fees traditionally are used to fund access channels, but in Belfast that had not been the case. After 3 years, the city council expressed its support this year by indicating that we were a valuable community resource. The vote to fund our request was unanimous. Funding will pay our rent and utilities as well as equipment maintenance and replacement. We are very grateful for the support from the city.