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BCTV Cable Channel 2
Belfast -- Searsport

Belfast Community TV’s mission is to reflect and strengthen the unique spirit and character of Belfast, Maine in order to enrich the lives of residents and visitors in the Midcoast region by fostering communication, free speech, artistic expression as well as creating opportunities through television and other electronic media.

Art night in to debut in October
Waterfall Arts, a local non profit arts group, will be presenting a series of films made available to BCTV by the National Gallery of Art. These programs range in subject matter from how art is created to historical and archaeological documentaries about art related topics. They are of excellent quality and viewers are in for a big treat. Programs are introduced by Waterfall Arts founder Alan Crichton, who also lets viewers know about the galleries and programs taking place locally at Waterfall Arts. It is really great to have this collaboration between BCTV and Waterfall Arts, as it is helps strengthen both organizations. Waterfall Arts will use its excellent resources to help publicize the program, and BCTV will provide publicity for the work of Waterfall Arts.