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BCTV Cable Channel 2
Belfast -- Searsport

Belfast Community TV’s mission is to reflect and strengthen the unique spirit and character of Belfast, Maine in order to enrich the lives of residents and visitors in the Midcoast region by fostering communication, free speech, artistic expression as well as creating opportunities through television and other electronic media.

Waldo County General Hospital produces new monthly program
The Community relations department at Waldo County General Hospital had gotten so much positive response to the Midcoast Womens Health Conference programs when they aired on BCTV this past spring, that they decided community TV would be an excellent way for the hospital to reach the Waldo County citizens with wellness information. Staying Healthy is produced by Toni Mailloux of Waldo County General Hospital and hosted by Andrea Walker also of WCGH. The program can be seen Thursdays at 7 pm as well as other times throughout the week. The programs have a "magazine" format in that there are various segments within each program. The first program includes segments on "fighting flu", "healthy recipes", "exercise to stay healthy", and "dealing with grief during the holidays". Having a program dealing with health issues is a welcome addition to our local programming mix. We hope it will gain a strong local following as it continues to develop.